Friday, 7 October 2011

The One-Link Lowdown on...Adriana Ryan!

Adriana Ryan is an exciting new author whose debut novel Her Heart's Desire will be released by MuseItUp Publishing in March 2012.

Welcome, Adriana - and let's go with the questions!

If you could retrieve one thing from your childhood, what would it be?

This GIANT marble I used to own. It was an incredible deep green color, and I was so proud of it! I still think about it sometimes. Don’t ask me why, because I have no clue either.

Tell us three surprising things about yourself, one of which is a fib - and we'll try to guess the fib!

Ooh, I love this game! Okay, here goes:

- I own so much makeup that I have a makeup “train case,” which is essentially a briefcase professional makeup artists use to tote their “offices” around.

- I have never had a broken bone.

- My inner nerd gorges on virtually everything in the field of discrete mathematics.

What would be your perfect day?

I’d wake up to a sunny day, write a satisfying scene, hear the sounds of a happy family in my home, and read a great book till I drifted off.

What’s on your bedside table/nightstand?

My glasses! I am essentially blind without them, and some people claim I’ve crooned to a pair of boots by the bed, thinking that they were my cat. Ahem – no comment.

What’s your favourite piece of music?

This changes according to what’s going on in my life, what I’m writing (especially what I’m writing, actually! Each story comes with songs that sound “right” and ones that don’t), and what I have access to. Right now I’m loving “Just a Girl” by No Doubt. Girl power!

What's your guilty pleasure?

Netflix streaming! I am strongly anti-cable television as far as my family goes, but I just can’t help myself. It’s like I get addicted, have to watch all the episodes they have of one show, and then I go off of it for a while. For instance, I had a phase where I couldn’t get enough of the free Law and Order episodes. Then it was Intervention, and now it’s Monk! TV’s such a waste of time and brain power when you have kids and need those last bits of reserve for your writing, but alas, I do not heed my own advice!

Which household chore would you happily give up forever?

Oh, God. Folding clothes. I mean, who even came up with that? It’s so arbitrary!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I so wish I had better self-confidence. Being a writer is awesome, but it also means that you can be isolated all day if you want. Sometimes just talking to other people feels like a foreign language.

What single invention would change your life for the better?

A magic clothes-folding-contraption! It would take my clothes from the dryer, fold them, and put them where they belong.

Aside from writing achievements, family, etc - what are you most proud of?

The sense of genuine caring I have for the world. I am a compulsive volunteering machine.

And now, it's confession time! - the fib is that my inner nerd gorges on anything in discrete mathematics. I’m, in actuality, a total forensic psychology nut. In fact, it’s what I’ve selected to be my “day job.” The other two, unfortunately, are totally true – I have a severe eyeshadow addiction, and I guess I have super Calcium-infused bones!

Thanks so much for being my guest, Adriana - it's been a joy getting to know you. Good luck with all your future projects!

To find out more about the fabulous Adriana Ryan, visit her One-Link HERE!


  1. I really enjoyed your answers, Adriana - especially about the clothes-folding machine. If they ever invent one, I want one too!
    Lovely to have you guesting at my blog. :)

    Jane x

  2. Super interview, Adriana and Jane! Good luck with your upcoming release, Adriana! Best wishes, fellow Muse author lindsay Townsend

  3. It's nice meeting you Adriana. I agree with the folding clothes contraption. I would love to have one. I have a rule...if it's your piece of clothing - you fold it an put it away! That works out well for my two older kids, but the six year olds wad things rather than fold them. :o)

    As for make-up, ah, yeah I have a drawer full. But I used to sell Avon (actually still do) so I have an excuse! Ha ha :o)

    Good luck with "Her Heart's Desire." I'll be watching for it in March!

    Concilium, July 2012

  4. Thank you, ladies! :) And Jane - this looks fab! Thanks so much for having me. :D


  5. Adriana, you're welcome!

    Lindsay and Michelle, thanks for popping in! :-)

    Jane x

  6. Great interview Adriana! Your comments gave me a laugh. I hope someone buys you a new green marble to replace the childhood one. :)
    Best of luck with your March release!

    Jen W

  7. Can we add humor to this mix of your personality? Loved the interview. Folding clothes? Yuk! I think I have more clothes on a hanger than needs to be for that very avoidance.

    Nice to meet you this way Adriana and thank you so much Jane for, I mean exploring another Muser.

  8. Hi Adriana and Jane, Great interview. No green marble will replace the one you lost. But.. better to have loved and lost.. etc. LOL
    Clothes folding.. oh yeah.. when they invent a machine to do that.. dreams will be fulfilled. Notice it seems we all feel the same way about the problem.. yet still no one has invented the answer.
    As for discrete maths..hehe.. saw that a long way off. Monk, Zen, not so much Law and Order but Taggart, Frost, Midsomer Murders, Silent Witness.. love them. Oh, to have time to watch them.
    Great interview, so glad to get to know Adriana better and I am looking forward to the release of 'Her Heart's Desire'.

  9. Hi Adriana, I must confess that I too have an addiction to Netflix (It's my own personal rebellion against cable TV)...turning on a TV series or movie anytime of the day..It's heaven. But, it does not replace the treat of going to the movie theater and watching the action on the ginormous screen. Best wishes on your new release. Great questions..and answers...

  10. Nice, funny interview. I always like it when. I learn about the person behind the author. As for the clothes folding thing? Watch Big Bang. Sheldon has an amazing t.shirt folder upper.


  11. Thanks Jenna, Karen, Rosalie, JQ and Viviane for coming along to Adriana's Lowdown Q & A session! She's a lot of fun, isn't she? It's been lovely to have her around. Good to see you all. :)

    Jane x

  12. Aww, you guys are so nice! Thank you! The humor is really only due to the awesome questions that helped showcase it.

    LOL So much commiseration about the marble! :) My husband laughed his @$$ off at me about that one. ;) Viv - you've intrigued me with the t-shirt folder-upper mention!
